Kubernetes namespaces

Imagine two teams build similar apps running in the same cluster. in order to avoid duplicated names etc and in order to group resources namespaces can be used to logically separate things. You could also use it to separate staging/production You could also use it if you want to run multiple different production environments. Notes:

  • ConfigMap and Secrets can only be used inside a namespace
  • Namespaces can be used to limit access to namespaces
  • Namespaces can be used to limit resources to namespaces ( cpu / mem / storage )

the default namespaces

kubectl get namespaces
NAME                   STATUS   AGE
default                Active   5d14h
kube-system            Active   5d14h
kube-public            Active   5d14h
kube-node-lease        Active   5d14h
kubernetes-dashboard   Active   5d14h

manage namespaces via command line

kubectl create namespace mynamespace
namespace/mynamespace created

kubectl get namespaces
NAME                   STATUS   AGE
default                Active   5d14h
kube-system            Active   5d14h
kube-public            Active   5d14h
kube-node-lease        Active   5d14h
kubernetes-dashboard   Active   5d14h
mynamespace            Active   6s

kubectl delete namespace mynamespace
namespace "mynamespace" deleted

to use namespaces in yaml markup simply add:

namespace: mynamespace

into the metadata section

there are 3rd party tools that can be used to “permanently switch” to another namespace


this can be found in the package kubectx

sudo apt install kubectx


sudo pacaur -S kubectx